Development and


Child abuse

When crime is the best of many bad options

Street children are involved in organised crime in Bangladesh

Childhood and youth

This matter cannot wait

African policymakers must do more than pay lip service to the Sustainable Development Goal to improve education at all levels

Child soldiers

Back to a normal life

A former child soldier from Colombia reports how she found her way back into society

Disease prevention

Sugar crisis in Mexico

In Mexico, a consumer protection organisation campaigns against the food lobby and fights for sensible health policies

Global alliances

Big Pharma has a seat at the table

International alliances against non-communicable diseases

Non-communicable diseases

A global problem

In order for health alliances to succeed, they must avoid conflicts of interest between NGOs and the pharmaceutical industry

Humanitarian aid

Wishes and visions

Providing adequate schooling and strengthening the global health systems are main tasks of international cooperation


Planned parenthood via mobile phone

If teenage pregnancies are to be avoided, young people need sex education and access to contraceptives


Big Food causes suffering

Author accuses the food industry of making the poor sick

Child soldiers

Jobs instead of arms

The international community must end profiteering with child soldiers

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