Development and


Women’s issues

Missing out school

Many poor girls in Ghana miss out school during their period


Refugee child mothers with AIDS

Many underage refugee women in Zimbabwe suffer from HIV/AIDS due to sexual abuse

Neglected tropical diseases

Networking instead of silo mentality

The world needs to work together to beat neglected tropical diseases for good


Rampant child smuggling

Many children are smuggled from Zimbabwe to South Africa


Makeshift schools

In some rural regions of Zimbabwe, makeshift schools are the norm, not the exception

PEGNet Conference

Measures to reduce inequality

Public investments in education and social protection help to reduce inequality

Maternal health

Why paramedics and midwives matter

GK, a non-governmental health-service provider in Bangladesh, knows how to reduce maternal mortality substantially


The fates of two teenage mothers

In Nigeria, many girls’ lives are ruined by early pregnancy

Sex education

Face the truth

Nigeria’s incidence of teenage pregnancies is unacceptably high


Facts and figures on family planning

Young women, in particular, are unable to use contraceptives and plan their families as they wish

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