Climate diplomacy

More must happen

While governments agreed on important issues at the Africa Climate Summit in Nairobi, civil-society organisations did not get enough attention

Global governance

Working together for the human right to water

More cooperation is needed – from the local to the international level – to ensure that the UN targets for water are not missed

Post-truth politics

Depression and anxiety in the Philippines

In a personal piece, a journalist describes how the current political situation in the Philippines makes life a nightmare


How the Modi government is undermining Indian democracy

Hindu-supremacists are most awkward allies in the fight against authoritarianism internationally

Global Governance

Why “global south” is not a useful term

Some powerful nations – especially China – do not fit into the dichotomy of a global north and south

Global environmental crisis

European governments have accepted duty to restore nature

European Green Deal is a sensible response to the global environmental crisis that is destroying both climate and biodiversity

Military deployment

German military stayed too long in Mali

Germany has to withdraw quickly from Mali – one reason for this is that the Federal Government failed to learn the lessons of Afghanistan


“The Woman King”: Emancipation and bloodshed

In this entertaining action drama, African women warriors fight for self-determination. The film is not necessarily historically accurate, but inspiring nonetheless

Global governance

The SDGs are as important as support for Ukraine is

Western governments tend to underestimate how shaky the world order looks to people in less fortunate countries

Ovaherero and Nama genocide

No real reconciliation for the Ovaherero and Nama

Germany and Namibia’s joint declaration regarding the genocide in the former colony South-West Africa falls short in many ways

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