Authoritarian dress code

Iran’s regime is trying to enforce hijab rules again

: In Tehran and other cities, many women are not covering their hair anymore in acts of public defiance

Our view

Sustainable development is inherently feminist

Feminist development strategies must dismantle gender inequality, because truly sustainable development depends on women

Climate crisis

Climate crisis keeps escalating

In view of worsening heat waves, postponing climate action is reckless, not “pragmatic”

International relations

African responsibility for climate justice

African elites like to blame the rich nations for the climate crisis, but should reconsider their own attitudes too

Global governance

The vision of a rules-based order

To people in disadvantaged country, the world order often looks quite arbitrary

Overfished water body

Uninforced fishing ban on world’s second deepest lake

Fish stocks must replenish, but moratorium would be painful in the short term

Our view

Appreciating the value of waste

We must transition fast to fair circular economies, either recycling or avoiding waste

German policy

Germany values respect, reciprocity and alliances

The BMZ response to James Shikwati’s criticism of its Africa strategy

West Africa

Benin’s President Talon tightens his grip on power

ECOWAS and western diplomats pay more attention to democratic appearances than substance in Benin

Our view

The right to belong somewhere

People have always moved to far-away places to find livelihoods or to flee from war and disaster. The international community would benefit from more coherent and pragmatic regulation of migration and flight.

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