Informeller Sektor
Gender equality

Women are particularly disadvantaged in the informal sector

Gender equality matters in both the formal and the informal economy, for example when it comes to finance


Bringing businesses out of the informal sector

Governments and donor agencies worldwide do a great deal to strengthen the formal economy – but not all their efforts are crowned with success

Relevant reading

In promotion of small businesses, prioritise social capital

Indonesian economist says social infrastructure is more important than hard infrastructure

Our view

The nightmare of states that are too small

For informal businesses, state absence means people can only trust those who are close to them

Gender relations

Domestic helpers are informally employed in many countries

Why men are closer to achieving a good work-life balance than women

Development project

Project develops rural community with shea butter

A sustainable rural city creates employment opportunities for rural dwellers in Uganda


Informal farming in the city

In Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, many farms face an uncertain future


Female bus conductors on the rise

Tanzanian women are defying the gender stereotype and working as bus conductors

Labour rights

Dangerous cotton harvest

Mostly women pick cotton in Pakistan – they are poorly paid and exposed to health risks

Social protection

Financing health systems for informal workers

Many informal workers cannot afford to pay cost-covering contributions, so cross-subsidisation is often needed

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