Development and



Voodoo allows a holistic view of the cosmos

In Benin, voodoo is practiced as a religion – regardless of whether someone is Christian, Muslim or Hindu. However, the proliferation of Christian free churches and the increase in Islamist attacks are endangering the harmony between the religious groups.


Brazil’s colonial legacies and current challenges

The lasting influence of Portuguese colonialism continues to hinder efforts to improve public welfare, address structural racism and protect the country’s rich ecosystems.

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Women in business

Improving female entrepreneurs’ self-esteem

A survey in the Dominican Republic has identified aspects that help women entrepreneurs to become more confident.

Global governance

Financing development and climate goals

A recent white paper published by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation identifies global priorities and suggests how to allocate funding for maximum impact.


Words are not enough

One year ago, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier travelled to Tanzania to apologise for the atrocities committed by his country during its colonial rule. This was a first, but an apology alone is not enough.

German colonialism

The long shadow of German colonialism

Development scholar Henning Melber assesses in a new book how Germans dealt with their colonial history from the 19th century on.

Rural infrastructure

Pakistan’s rural infrastructure is inadequate

Rural communities generally lack good public services and have too few economic opportunities. The climate crisis is compounding problems.


When new medications lose their efficacy immediately

Antibiotic resistance is a major problem in the fight against tuberculosis. In order to manage it, the health infrastructure must be strengthened in affected countries.

South Asia

In Pakistan, authoritarian attitudes are a colonial legacy

After 77 years of independence, Pakistan’s society, economy and politics are still marked by institutions established by the British Empire.

Zero hunger

The Global NARS Consortium’s revolutionary approach to food security

How developing countries’ national agricutultural research systems will become stronger.

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