Africa’s development requires economic growth, but if it follows the western model, the ecological consequences will be disastrous. Strong green-growth models strike a balance between sustainability and social justice.
Stefan Dercon of Oxford University explains why low-income countries cannot develop without economic growth and in what kind of settings growth-oriented policies are implemented.
Those who love in a non-heteronormative way are under pressure in many countries around the world. At a conference in Cape Town, activists for the human rights of sexual minorities discussed the challenges they face.
Musk allows the social-media platform X to serve right-wing political purposes. It remains to be seen whether authorities in other countries will dare to stand up to illegal behaviour of his like Brazil’s Supreme Court did in the summer.
The church forests of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church (EOTC) are a remarkable example of environmental conservation upheld through spiritual reverence, indigenous knowledge and traditional beliefs.