Our view

Literacy empowers, so schools must do a good job

More than ever, people must be able to read and write

Building bridges

Why diaspora communities are powerful development actors

In countries of residence as well as origin, policymakers should engage with migrant communities


Fundamental change needed to overcome inequality

To enable everyone to live a good life, Oxfam demands social and environmental justice

Military coup

Where hope lies

The military coup is a major setback for democracy in Myanmar

Global governance

Sensible utopian visions may eventually come true

In view of climate crisis, Covid-19 pandemic and computerised communication, we need more stringent global governance

Côte d’Ivoire

Reform-oriented Côte d’Ivoire has come to a standstill

To entrench democratic principles, admonishing words are not enough


Biden won thanks to 23,000 voters in three states

Even without Trump, US democracy looks shaky

Political transition

Is Tunisia’s democracy at risk?

In its relations with Tunisia, the EU should focus on the needs of this young democracy rather than its own interests


“Teaching democracy is just as important as teaching maths”

Ahmad Mansour, expert in extremism prevention, calls for more democracy education in schools and integration courses

Social media

Increasingly manipulated forum

Online trolls’ disinformation is undermining Philippine democracy

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