Authoritarian rule

Fact and fiction

In the Philippines, pro-Duterte activism on social media keeps people agitated and misinformed


Protestors still call for genuine democracy in Algeria

Why the constitutional referendum did not end Algeria’s political crisis


Why non-violence makes sense for Belarussian opposition

Two political scientists argue that civil disobedience is the most promising way to oppose an authoritarian regime

Chile’s constitutional referendum

Revolt of the masses

Aiming for a more egalitarian society, Chileans will revise their constitution

Our view

Movements are often formally leaderless - and yet powerful

How political movements differ from formal organisations – and why non-violence often leads to success

Police misconduct

Sudden eruption of anger

Why Nigeria’s government found itself forced to disband a notorious police in October

Human rights

“LGBT people still tend to hide”

Though things have improved, LGBT people still face serious harassment in Uganda


Stay alert - after sigh of relief due to Biden’s victory

New US administration will boost international cooperation, but may yet be obstructed by Republican-dominated Senate


Attempting to entrench minority rule in the USA

Why US democracy is indeed at risk


Taking to the cyber-streets

Political activists in Zambia are using social media to reach a broad audience

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