Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung
African development

Continent of growth

Politicians and investors discuss development plans for Africa


Start-up financing for Africa

DEG increased the financing of private investments in developing countries and emerging markets to a new record level in 2018

Development finance institution

Bigger markets, more opportunities

DEG chairwoman Christiane Laibach elaborates why development depends on trade

Regional integration

Going against the tide

Why African governments have embarked on establishing a continental free-trade area


EU-Africa relations

Substantial improvements of the EPAs with African countries are necessary, according to German trade expert

Left-wing populism

The currency of Venezuelan politics

In Venezuela’s political crisis, foreign governments must not fan the flames

Emerging markets

Allied rivals

In economic terms, India is still lagging behind China

Global governance

“Light at the end of the tunnel”

Donald Trump is disrupting international trade but has not caused lasting damage so far

Patterns of trade

South-south exchange matters most

The patterns of India’s foreign trade have changed dramatically in the past three decades


The Great Green Wall

Action against desertification is urgently needed

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