
Small loans for rural women

Micro loans help rural women to start small businesses and to get more financially independent


Industrial agriculture has failed

The solution to the present food price and hunger crisis is to transition food production to agroecological concepts suited to the location

Food prices

Number of starving people worldwide is again on the rise

Rocketing food prices are only partly due to shortages; food speculation and energy prices are key drivers

Illegal commuter taxis

Taking the risk

Cheap and fast illegal commuter taxis are a popular alternative to public buses in Zimbabwe


Expensive input

Ghanaian farmers can’t afford fertiliser anymore

Child labour

No more children in the tea estates

In Malawi child labour is very common, but there are initiatives to change matters


Indians are beginning to pay more attention to healthy diets

Why millets should prove useful in the fight against malnutrition in South Asia


New strategies for female entrepreneurs

In Mexico, online business trainings help female entrepreneurs to expand their businesses


Solidarity helps to escape pandemic

How the Covid-19 pandemic contributed to more social protection in Togo

Experience of racism

“I do not define myself as a victim”

Turkish-German author Canan Topçu on her very personal take on identity, racism and exclusion

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