
The merits of studying abroad

Foreign graduates of German universities help to build bridges between cultures

Our view

Literacy empowers, so schools must do a good job

More than ever, people must be able to read and write

Remote management

KfW remote project management with KoBoToolbox

In Burkina Faso, KfW bank uses KoBoToolbox, a remote management information system

Technical solutions

Remote project management is helpful in times of crisis

During the Corona crisis, KfW is using new approaches to manage its projects from the distance


Pathways out of extreme poverty and hunger

Social protection, land ownership and promotion in the agricultural sector can alleviate ultra-poverty


Highs and lows of immigrant life in Germany

Three immigrants in Frankfurt tell their story


Highs and lows of immigrant life in Germany

Three immigrants in Frankfurt tell their story

Turkish immigrants

Divided community with identity problems

People in Germany with Turkish roots have identity problems – a situation fuelled by the Turkish president


More things Eva von Redecker misunderstands

Advanced capitalist societies do have an idea of the common good

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