Child labour

Exploited minors are denied a school education

In view of wide-spread poverty, child labour is still far too common in Bangladesh

State building

How to make African statehood more successful

Citizenship and social protection are mutually reinforcing

Child labour

Facing an uncertain future

Benin’s children face systematic exploitation as low-paid labourers


Pressed into service

Human traffickers in Burundi find ways to get around child-protection laws


Africa’s Amazon

The Nigerian e-commerce platform Jumia has been making a difference in consumers’ lives for nine years

Children’s rights

On society’s fringes

Burundi’s legal safety net for children remains full of holes

Online classes

What new problems digitised classrooms create

For young Indian women, online classes go along with serious new challenges

African economies

Cushioning coronavirus impacts

African governments’ stimulus programmes were insufficient in pandemic


Made in Chibombo

A big Chinese investment aims to create a manufacturing base in central Zambia


Women at work

How “2X Challenge” investments are making a difference

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