Development and


Culture Special

American joy and sorrow

The novel "Behold the Dreamers" scrutinises the "American dream" based on the experiences of an immigrant family from Cameroon

India’s Adivasis

Over 100 million people belong to India’s scheduled tribes

India’s Adivasi communities’ have traditional norms - and a special legal status


Zambia and DRC partnering in battery production

Zambia and the DRC hope to become massive producers and refiners of cobalt for electric vehicle batteries


How central Indian forests become sites of conflict

When tensions escalate, Indian laws to protect the ecology and grassroots communities hardly make a difference

Kenyan election

Suggestion to legalise industrial hemp

A candidate of Kenya’s presidential election proposes to generate income by legalising hemp to reduce the high public debt

Fight for survival

Underage “okada” riders in Ghana

The involvement of underage children in the commercial motorcycle taxi business is raising concern

Secondhand clothes

Trade in secondhand clothes: the benefits outweigh the costs

The export of secondhand clothing has been criticised, but it has advantages, particularly for low-income people

Gender equality

Women are particularly disadvantaged in the informal sector

Gender equality matters in both the formal and the informal economy, for example when it comes to finance


Poor Kenyans complain about rising public debt

Instead of having shiny infrastructure projects, Kenyans would prefer to have more financial support from the government


Bringing businesses out of the informal sector

Governments and donor agencies worldwide do a great deal to strengthen the formal economy – but not all their efforts are crowned with success

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