Development and


Gender relations

Domestic helpers are informally employed in many countries

Why men are closer to achieving a good work-life balance than women

Development project

Project develops rural community with shea butter

A sustainable rural city creates employment opportunities for rural dwellers in Uganda


Informal farming in the city

In Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, many farms face an uncertain future


Female bus conductors on the rise

Tanzanian women are defying the gender stereotype and working as bus conductors

Social protection

How social-protection systems matter in the climate crisis

Social safety nets help to protect disadvantaged people from climate impacts


Uber for trucks

Amitruck works like Uber for trucks and is a promising young company in Kenya


“We consider impact with every investment”

A finance executive explains what new African businesses need and how he advises them and assists with financing

Climate crisis

Extreme heat endangers health

Nigeria is facing extreme heat – people have to adjust their lifestyle

Supply chains

Multi-stakeholder initiative held back by industry lobbies

Textile Partnership has achieved results, but more can be done

Human rights

Sustainability certifications: stricter criteria needed

German government’s Green Button initiative could do even more to ensure social standards

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