Soziokulturelle Faktoren

Caring for victims of sexual violence

A clinic in Bulawayo offers free medical and psycho-social care to victims of sexual violence and rape

Summer Special

Rahman Abbas: South Asian lessons from Nazi Holocaust

Indian author’s dystopian novel warns of harm that identity politics may cause

Reproductive health

Involving men to change gender stereotypes

In many African countries males are often unwilling to get involved in reproductive health issues of their partners

Culture Special

American joy and sorrow

The novel "Behold the Dreamers" scrutinises the "American dream" based on the experiences of an immigrant family from Cameroon

India’s Adivasis

Over 100 million people belong to India’s scheduled tribes

India’s Adivasi communities’ have traditional norms - and a special legal status


How central Indian forests become sites of conflict

When tensions escalate, Indian laws to protect the ecology and grassroots communities hardly make a difference

Culture Special

They did not belong anywhere

Leïla Slimani’s novel “In the country of others” casts a light on colonial mentality and the diverse facets of not belonging

Traditional medicine

Why many Africans must rely on informal health care

Traditional medicine is often inadequate, though it does work in many cases and is comparatively cheap

Demographic change

Older people’s rights are human rights

Countries in the global South are also contending with a demographic change, which is presenting significant challenges for their societies

Summer Special

Emancipation in Syria, both personal and political

“The other side of the river” shows a young Syrian woman’s personal liberation within the context of a wider effort to establish democracy

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