Soziokulturelle Faktoren

Some poor people depend on garbage scavenging in Islamabad

In Pakistan, informal waste pickers manage about 50 % of municipal waste


Bringing businesses out of the informal sector

Governments and donor agencies worldwide do a great deal to strengthen the formal economy – but not all their efforts are crowned with success

Relevant reading

In promotion of small businesses, prioritise social capital

Indonesian economist says social infrastructure is more important than hard infrastructure

Sahel region

Innocent suffering in the Sahel region

Climate change is making food insecurity worse in Niger

Environmental protection

Cleaning up Mexico’s water bodies

A NGO hopes to raise awareness for pollution with clean-ups of plastic waste from coastal areas and water bodies across Mexico

Gender relations

Domestic helpers are informally employed in many countries

Why men are closer to achieving a good work-life balance than women


Dangerous superstition

In Benin, faith-based entrepreneurs are misusing poor people’s situation

Extreme weather

USA increasingly hit by weather-related disasters

North America’s wildfires, heatwaves, storms and floods are becoming more frequent, more dangerous and more costly

Gender justice

Mexico claims to pursue a “feminist” foreign policy

In Mexico, government rhetoric on women’s rights is better than what women experience in daily life


Female bus conductors on the rise

Tanzanian women are defying the gender stereotype and working as bus conductors

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