Soziokulturelle Faktoren

Indispensable lessons

Why teenage girls need sex education even more than teenage boys do


Tribal conflicts threaten women

Women in Papua New Guinea are hard-hit by tribal wars

Church-state relations

Prophetic speech and witness

25 years after the end of apartheid, South African church leaders are considering what role to play in politics

Subsidiarity principle

We don’t take orders from the government

Religious freedom in Germany’s constitutional order

Child labour

Underage miners

Dangerous child labour is still rampant in Zambia


Stunted growth

Due to malnourishment, many poor children in Zimbabwe suffer from stunted growth


300 pages, 250 years, 8 generations

Yaa Gyasi’s first novel explores the brutal history of how the slave trade shaped West Africa and North America

Primary forests

Indigenous peoples are key stakeholders

The indispensable role of local communities in the protection of Amazonian forests

Cyber security

A tax on every call

A new tax on internet calls may curb freedom of expression in Zambia

Networking beyond the UNFCCC

A more holistic approach

Traditional knowledge is relevant for protecting both biodiversity and the climate

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