Soziokulturelle Faktoren
Rural development

Involve the local community

The High Atlas Foundation is setting standards for improving rural livelihoods and protecting the environment in Morocco

Organic farming

In touch with nature

South Indian farmers are protecting agricultural biodiversity by growing landraces

Unsustainable livelihoods

Savè chainsaw massacre

Deforestation is ravaging the environment of Savè, a small town in Benin

Economic doctrines

Mutual obligations

Paul Collier's new book is a response to the twin shocks of 2016: Brexit and Trump

Rabindranath Tagore

Poet, polymath, preceptor

Rabindranath’s lasting impact on Bengali society


Kantha’s eternal beauty

Why traditional Bengali embroidery is now making a difference in many village women’s lives


Fighting false information

To prevent conflicts during the upcoming elections, Indonesian journalists aim to fact-check online information


Promoting local ownership

Welthungerhilfe is taking an innovative approach on land rights, so partners in developing countries can find their own long-term solutions


A historic first

Local communities’ land rights were recently enshrined in law in Liberia


Sharing property after divorce

Ghana is slowly changing the rules of how to share assets after a divorce

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