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Cultural industries

Investing in Uganda’s culture

The country’s lively arts scene lacks funding and institutional structures. Young talent is often self-taught.


How China is causing global shifts

China’s development over the last 40 years has been unparalleled. Hundreds of millions of people have escaped absolute poverty. Now the country is engaging in international development affaires – and using the BRICS+ as a platform.

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International cooperation

How India’s global influence could develop

GIZ has developed four scenarios based on India’s domestic development, its relationship to China and the west and the orientation of the BRICS+.

Large-scale projects

Chinese funded steel mill displaces locals in Zimbabwe

The promises and expectations of the government have been met with doubt by locals who are already facing adverse effects due to the ongoing project.

Global crises, local impacts

When a relatively strong African country is struggling on all fronts

If you want to know what impacts multiple global crises have on the daily life of a developing country, consider the example of Kenya

Working world

When qualifications don’t decide your career

In Uganda, as in many other parts of the world, a person’s identity and social relationships are influenced by ethnicity, faith and language. These factors can also have a significant impact on career prospects.

Border closure

Political decision causing human suffering

After the renewed closure of the border between Burundi and Rwanda, people living along the border are calling for it to be reopened.

Business start-up

Local mobile app challenging international competitor

In South Africa, Delivery ka Speed is cheap and easy to access, and it offers its services in townships Uber Eats is avoiding.

Undocumented immigrants

Immigrants trapped in illegality

In Johannesburg, clerics and worshippers say their conscience is torn between illegal money and seeing their churches impoverished, because they fund their churches with illegal mining.

Informal business

Hard working female head porters in Ghana

In Ghana, many rural, poor women are left with no option but to take up labour-intensive blue-collar jobs, such as carrying heavy loads with pans on their heads.

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.