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Prolonged hardship in Malawi

Many Malawians are disappointed with their government, abandoning the hope that their economic situation will change for better

Corporate social responsibility

Why the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) matters very much

Sustainable development would be hampered internationally should European legislation regarding supply-chain management fail, and Germany’s reputation would suffer too.

Ecological transition

Energy partnerships for the ecological transition

The so-called just transition is expensive. Rich countries need to support poorer ones.

International cooperation

Bringing the slogan “just transition” to life

The transition to a CO2-neutral economy can only succeed if it is done in a socially just way. Alternative jobs, social security and regional structural policies are essential.

Global governance

Reforming development finance

Proposed solutions include debt restructuring and cancellation, reform of multilateral development banks and mobilisation of domestic resources

Latin American migration

Seeking greener pastures

The Mexican diaspora is the second largest in the world. Few opportunities, poverty and increasing crime are prompting Mexicans to leave

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Our View

Abandoning our own values

Driven by right-wing populist forces, the EU is tightening its asylum rules. Doing so is wrong for political, moral and economic reasons

Brain drain

Why Bangladesh’s best minds are moving abroad

Frustrated by a lack of opportunities at home, many educated Bangladeshis are seeking work in foreign countries

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Popular Chinese products in Zambia

Zambian traders and consumers love the diversity of Chinese products that are readily available at affordable prices

World Bank study

Migration as a powerful force for development

World Bank development report presents policymakers with solutions for managing global migration

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.