Rules-based world order

In Gaza, children are dying of hunger

Israel has the legal obligation to stop the unprecedented humanitarian crisis on territory occupied by its troops.

Global development

More political literacy would benefit African governance

African policymakers excel at second-guessing donor wishes, and their nation’s true needs are often only an after-thought.

Climate lawsuits

Legal battles for climate justice

Litigation is gaining importance as a tool for climate action. Activists and communities around the world have successfully sued states on environmental issues.

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Women in Cameroon fight for participation in the peace process

While women pay a disproportionately heavy price in armed conflicts every day, they are still largely excluded from official peacebuilding processes

Sexualised violence

In war as in peace

Awareness of sexualised violence in conflicts is mostly focused on its strategic aspects. However, it is also vital to address systemic discrimination and violence against women in peacetime


How Israel and Palestine could find peace

A six-point road map for reconciliation in the Middle East


Barriers on the road to peace in Israel/Palestine

In recent decades, religious fundamentalism on both sides has contributed to violent clashes

Our View

On the edge

The fact that the climate crisis is becoming dramatic must not discourage us. What is needed is more cooperation and less polarisation. Every 10th of a degree matters because it can help put a check on irreversible damage.

Military regimes


On 28 January, the military regimes of Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger withdrew from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) with immediate effect. This has grave consequences for the entire region.

Democracy protection

Protecting democracy, averting autocratisation

The global wave of autocratisation requires a change in the promotion of democracy

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