BRICS enlargement

Why more BRICS members are not necessarily better

By expanding to BRICS+, the group aims to position itself more strongly as a global player. But economic, geopolitical and internal tensions remain, despite or precisely because of the new members.

Israel and Palestine

„This is rich coming from an Israeli leader“

Prominent Jews disagree with Israel’s government when it blames on antisemitism that the ICC is considering an arrest warrant against Netanyahu or that Spain, Ireland and Norway will recognise the state of Palestine.

International affairs

Why BRICS+ may prove weaker than expected

By admitting six new members to their informal group, the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) may be thwarting its capacity for collective action.

Identity politics

Why the acronym BIPoC does not have to explain anything

The acronym “BIPoC” is a self-designation that symbolises solidarity between people who have experienced racial discrimination. The term is not suitable for categorising social contexts or specific people.

Southern Africa

Why Africa is caught between two stools with BRICS

With the presence of China and South Africa on the continent, African countries have little choice but to get involved with BRICS. At the same time, countries like Malawi do not want to lose touch with the western industrialised nations.

Global governance

Phasing out fossil fuels with climate finance

Fossil-fuel subsidies undermine climate protection and burden tight national budgets. Climate finance, if applied well, helps to reform subsidy systems in a socially just way.

Language politics in Cameroon

From colonial division to bloody conflict

Up to now, life in Cameroon is determined by whether one is Francophone or Anglophone. The so-called “Anglophone crisis” surrounding the independence aspirations of the part of the country that was once a British colony is claiming more and more victims.

Russia and China

BRICS-members are not coordinating their West-Africa strategies

Ghanaian scholar assesses Russia’s role in ECOWAS and speaks of new scramble for Africa


To define Pakistan as a nation, Islam is insufficient

Pakistan is a fragmented nation with a shaky political system, and the focus on Sunni Islam did not forge the desired unity.

Gender rights

Pakistan’s politically assertive women

Against the backdrop of the global #MeToo movement, a new wave of feminist politics swelled up in Pakistan

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