Overview multilateral policymaking

Global problems require global solutions

Why multilateral policymaking must improve and who can make it happen

Overview extreme weather

International response to climate crisis must speed up

Extreme weather is causing increasing damages, and it is possible to reduce

Our view

New trauma looms if traumatising past is not dealt with

Societies must acknowledge pain, assess causes and achieve a minimum level of reconciliation after dictatorship or war

Religious totalitarianism

Iran’s protests resonate around the world

Women everywhere must be free to go where they like and dress as they please

Collective trauma

Why even the most atrocious evil can have a banal basis

60 years ago, Hannah Arendt’s book “Eichmann in Jerusalem” caused a controversy

Genocidal violence

Gukurahundi: ZANU’s genocidal campaign against ZAPU

Zimbabwe’s ruling party still uses aggressive identity politics to stay in power

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Sovereign default

Sri Lanka’s reform agenda is intimidating

To get IMF support, Sri Lanka must achieve the restructuring of existing loans

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Transition from dictatorship

Learning lessons of the past in Gambia

Why a truth commission must not only assess the facts, but also engage the public in a lasting manner

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Government revenues

How to increase the fiscal space

The budgets of many developing countries and emerging markets are far too constrained

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Why “slow politics” may make a difference in India

Part two of Krupa Ge’s account of Rahul Gandhi’s long march across India

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