Global governance

G20 leaders are “not in a state of denial”

Indonesian economist assesses results of Bali summit in November 2022


Gandhi shows humility in line with South Asian spirituality

Policymaker attempts to revitalise India’s inclusive sense of nationhood – and the reputation of the Congress Party

Military coup

What pro-Russian protests mean in West Africa

Burkina Faso’s second military coup in eight months shows that the Sahelian security crisis is getting worse

Our view

More fiscal space is needed when states prove too “small”

In response to multiple crises, governments must be able to invest assertively

Government revenues

Kenya’s new president wants to collect more tax money

Kenya’s huge public debt is choking public spending and undermining the economy

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Social media

The billionaire’s blue bird is in trouble

Lessons to be learned from Twitter’s current crisis

International law

The west must respect international law more consistently

In the Ukraine war, the US and its allies are paying the price for having badly damaged their own credibility in the past

Women's rights

Protests continue in Iran – and get international support

Brutal repression is not deterring people from expressing their discontent with Tehran’s fundamentalist regime

Women's rights

Determined youth stand up to Iran’s autocratic regime

Women demanding personal freedom are leading uprising against Ayatollah regime


Solidarity helps to escape pandemic

How the Covid-19 pandemic contributed to more social protection in Togo

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