Global affairs

How western diplomats should approach India

India is an indispensable giant, but human rights and democratic principles matter too


High tech failed to make Nigeria’s presidential election transparent

Nigerian voters are frustrated because digital election tools did not deliver promised results

Government criticism

Protection for protesters by anonymity of the internet

Fearing life-threatening violence, demonstrators go online with their protest against the government in Zimbabwe

Human rights

Abolishing the death penalty

Fulfilling a pledge made while campaigning for office, Zambian President Hakainde Hichilema abolished the nation’s death penalty on December 2022

Middle East

Jewish voices assess Israel’s current crisis

Netanyahu’s right-wing government is facing unprecedented protests

West Africa

Nigeria’s inconclusive election results

The results of Nigeria’s presidential elections will be challenged in court

Violent conflict

High hopes abounded during Pope’s visit to South Sudan

Pope Francis stirred optimism in the conflict-torn country, but will people’s expectations be fulfilled?


Human trafficking on the rise

Illegal immigrants face despicable conditions on their journeys and many end up dead or suffering life-threatening conditions in Zambia

German policy

BMZ makes bold statement of intent

The new Africa strategy of Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

Ground-breaking lawsuit

Andes farmer takes on conglomerate

In Peru, a farmer is calling on a German company to take responsibility for glacier melt in a ground-breaking lawsuit

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