
Disillusionment after elections in Malawi

Disappointment grows across the country as the economy flounders, and corruption weakens trust in politicians

Collective trauma

The man behind the Auschwitz trials

Fritz Bauer, a German judge of Jewish origin, is remembered in Germany for helping the country learn about what happened in the Nazi era

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Robbers threaten digital banking costumers

Criminals threaten people and force them to transfer money from their mobile bank accounts

Refugee children

There are very few educational opportunities for refugees in Lebanon

Over ten years after the start of the war, the educational situation of Syrian children and youth in Lebanon remains disastrous

Tigray conflict

Ethiopia’s fragile peace

A peace treaty aims to end the Tigray conflict in northern Ethiopia – but it can only succeed if underlying problems are addressed


Libya lapses into Gaddafi nostalgia

More than ten years after the collapse of the Gaddafi regime, the situation in Libya is so devastating that some long for pre-revolutionary times

Democracy under attack

8 January 2023 in Brasília looked like 6 January 2021 in Washington

In protest against legitimate election results, right-wing extremists vandalised government buildings

Identity politics

The painful partition of India

How colonial India became two and eventually three different countries

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What helps traumatised societies to heal

Armed conflict disrupts society – and the media have a special role to play as peacebuilders

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Overview living with disabilities

Inclusion instead of discrimination

Around the world, persons with disabilities are discriminated against, though they could be empowered to fully participate in society

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