Recht, Verwaltung

Street children perpetuate crime

Residents of Malawi’s cities are afraid of robbery by street children

Global governance

The vision of a rules-based order

To people in disadvantaged country, the world order often looks quite arbitrary


How Mexican landfills become ganglands

Organised crime controls informal waste management in Mexico

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International standards

Better data systems for better social protection

A global initiative aims to develop international standards for data systems to improve support for those in need

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Corporate power

AI sector worries about what it is doing

A growing number of experts warn that artificial intelligence may be very dangerous

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Bail-out lending

Disagreement between China and the Paris Club

China is aware of sovereign-debt nightmare, but cannot solve problems on its own

European Union

EU strengthens borders against refugees

Faced with more migrants, the EU strengthens border agency Frontex, and member states tighten refugee policies – often at the expense of human rights

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Fiscal space

Economies in limbo

Progress on resolving sovereign-debt crises remains dangerously slow

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Migration from West Africa should not be a crime

To the detriment of Senegal’s people, their government is supporting the migration policies of the EU

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Eerie sense of post-election calm in Nigeria

Why President-elect Tinubu, who expects to take office in May, only has a weak mandate at best

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