
The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.

Self-righteous aggressiveness versus universal values

Humankind’s religions share a common core of values, as the Swiss theologian Hans Küng prominently argued. He called it the “global ethic”.


“Promising developments”

Recent agricultural developments are promising

Food security

Risks compounded

Food security is hampered by financial speculation and liberalisation of commodity markets

Facilitating engagement

Green renaissance, not revolution

Africa needs green renaissance, not green revolution

Urban development

Wasteful buildings

Energy efficient urbanisation


Slow but sustainable

Slow but steady reform of Mali’s cotton sector


In troubled waters

AU Chairman Boni Yayi faces daunting challenges

Food security

Productivity boost

Africa’s agricultural productivity must rise

Humanitarian aid

Hunger in the Horn of Africa

The worst of the east African famine is over – for now


“We all win”

A Ghanaian agro-buisness blazes a promising trail