Print edition
Contents June issue

Hans Dembowski:
Regulate extractive industries and make them serve the nation
European Development Report discusses scarcity of water, energy and land | Law in Arab nations | Support for victims of trauma | Burundi’s civil war in perspective | Africa Progress Report 2012 | In brief
Focus: Natural resources
Aditi Roy Ghatak:
India’s mining regions suffer from corruption and violent unrest
Interview with Paul Collier:
The need for a “better narrative” in regard to resource wealth
Floreana Miesen:
Blood diamonds in Sierra Leone and Liberia
Interview with Peter Eigen:
The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative needs more members
Pedro Morazán and Marie Müller:
Fair gold – How to improve the lives of small-scale miners in Peru and the DR Congo
Almut Schilling-Vacaflor, Annegret Mähler and Gabriele Neusser:
Explosive matter: gas and oil extraction in Bolivia
Lutz Neumann:
Review essay: relevant reading on natural resources and development
Interview with Rabiaa Ouerimi:
German-Tunisian school exchange for adolescents with disabilities
Alan C. Robles:
Expensive, but not necessarily good: higher education in the Philippines
Raphael Mweninguwe:
Malawi’s street vendors need livelihoods, but some people consider their business an eyesore
Henning Melber:
Rule of law: on the state of the developmental state
Comments on China’s next leaders and on the crisis in Mali | Letters | Petition for uncensored textbooks in India