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Southeast Asia and Pacific
Street children

From garbage scavenger to chef

Cambodian NGO gives former street children a safe place to live and an education

Asian economies

New cross-border competition policy

ADB economists see need for multilateral rules to guide internet businesses


High-risk balancing act

President Joko Widodo wants the military to do more than protect Indonesia from external threats

Military rule

The monarchy’s bodyguard

An end to military dictatorship in Thailand is not in sight


The path has been cleared for Hun Sen

Ahead of general elections, Cambodia’s government has eliminated the opposition

Global warming

The case against fossil fuels

Public finances must serve to reduce greenhouse gases

Public budgets

Harmful government expenditure

Fossil fuel subsidies are unsustainable in both environmental and budgetary terms


No trust in institutions

The anti-democratic legacy of Spanish and US colonialism in the Philippines

Human security

Global silence in view of genocidal action

Bangladesh is largely left to itself in view of dramatic Rohingya refugee crisis

Campaign promises

Half-time results

Indonesian president is racing against time

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