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Opposition leaders set free

First achievements evident in national dialogue promoted by faith leaders in Cameroon

Community media

Carefully chosen words

Church maintains network for peace- and conflict-sensitive journalism in Cameroon

National budget

Stadiums versus clinics

Controversy about how to spend public money in Malawi

Sustainable Development Goals

The ambivalence of religions

Why religion can be abused for identity politics, but may also help to achieve SDGs

Political deadlock

The long walk to serious talks

Venezuela needs a restart with government and opposition engaging in serious negotiations


Nobel prize's focus on poverty is welcome, but incomplete

Micro level evidence is insufficient for rising to macro level challenges

Identity politics

Increasingly aggressive

In spite of India’s constitution, Modi government is adopting aggressive anti-Muslim policies

Human trafficking

False promises

Nigerian women are forced into prostitution in Ghana

Climate science

Tell it like it is

Denialists are questioning sciences, but scholars all over the world fight back

Climate protests

Why civil disobedience is inherently non-authoritarian

So far Extinction Rebellion seems to be living up to non-violence principles

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