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Fossil fuel industry
Fuel prices

Strained relations

Petrol smuggling has had a negative impact on Benin’s relations with its giant neighbour Nigeria


A boost for women

A start-up school teaching work skills to women aims to narrow Guatemala’s gender gap

Green power

Behind schedule

At current trends, India will not achieve important climate goals

Our view

The opportunity of crisis

Covid-19 has dramatically reduced energy consumption around the world, providing an opportunity for a rethink

Global crisis

Debt swaps make sense

Donor governments must not let Covid-19 undo the development success of past decades


Destructive biomass demand

Many Ugandans still rely on traditional biomass for energy purposes


The urgency of public works programmes

Labour-intensive public employment schemes build vital infrastructure and alleviate poverty at the same time

Press freedom

Risky business

Journalists in Libya work in an atmosphere of fear and lawlessness

Power shortages

When the lights go out

Power cuts hit Zambia’s economy hard

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