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Higher education

Mind the management gap

Higher education is becoming aware of microfinance's management needs

Social Networking

Personal touch, international reach

Kiva.org’s P2P approach to raising funds for microloans


Competent for the future

InWEnt helps to establish social networks in Latinamerica


Tricky challenges

The complex challenges of microinsurance administration


“Local roots”

Why microcredit programmes should be based on local savings

Climate policy

Thank you, Copenhagen

Why Copenhagen meant progress for Brazil on climate matters


Compulsory, but meaningful event

Upsides and downsides of Mali’s local-government elections in 2009

The arts

Stimulating societal development

The Art in Africa Foundation, a joint venture of UNESCO and Goethe Institut

Climate change

More urgent, more difficult

Copenhagen climate conference


Static ideas of culture

Museum in Senegal is a missed opportunity

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