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Second class citizens

Brazilian Favelas’ reputation for crime is overblown and undeserved

Agriculture in China

Feeding the masses

For 20 % of the world’s population, China has only 10 % of Earth’s arable land

Southeast Asia

Policing the Philippines’ law enforcers

Why Filipinos have reason to fear their nation’s police force

Rule of law

Prisons need reform

By reforming its prisons, Bangladesh can set an example

Official development assistance

Failing “failed” states

According to Oxfam, donors are neglecting fragile states


New start, old baggage

South Sudanese people voted for independence

World Social Forum

Near flop

The World Social Forum was about to flop

Community participation

No more cholera

Providing everyone with safe drinking water in Tanazania’s Hai District


Democratic uprising

Europe must support democratic uprising in the Arab world

Post-conflict society

Excellent work for women

The advantages of having many women in Nicaragua’s police force

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