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Most wanted

The killing of Osama Bin Laden has made the awkward alliance of the USA with Pakistan even more awkward

Authoritarian rule

Technology is not the answer

It takes courage, not only facebook, to topple an autocratic government

Aid effectiveness

Trilateral cooperation makes sense

Why triangular cooperation of advanced nations with emerging-market and developing countries makes sense

Government revenue

Ambitious reforms, good results

Nigeria is moving forward on enforcing tax laws


Do something about it

Cooperation with Muslim countries is hamperd by overblown European fears

Review essay

New insights into the Islamic Republic of Iran

Book reviews on the Iranian revolution of 1979

Muslim Brotherhood

“Suit and tie”

The current relevance of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

Islam and politics

Young revolutionaries

Young Egyptians don’t want a theocracy


German industry hesitates in North Africa

German companies hesitate to invest in revolutionary Tunisia

Technological progress

Debating consequences

Technologial innovations’ risks and benefits

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