Human security

“Do not close the camps”

Residents of Dadaab and Kakuma are in despair because of Kenyan government’s decision to close camps

Press freedom

Media under assault

The new Press Freedom Index shows Egypt’s downslide on media issues

Urban rubbish

The cleanest city in Sierra Leone

Bo's city council is setting new standards for waste disposal

Rousseff deserved a full term in office

Brazil’s institutions look unbalanced

Waste management

Living amidst filth

Waste management has not kept up with Kathmandu’s fast growth

Waste management

Part of a system

Landfills are only one component of waste management


A system for collecting waste

How a local initiative is encouraging waste pickers in Mumbai to contribute to up-to-date plastics recycling


Multilateral banks honeymoon

The first co-financing effort looks promising, but ADB and AIIB may yet become fierce adversaries

Social and environmental standards

Let’s race to the top

NGOs praise ADB for environmental and social safeguards but want better implementation

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