
The fates of two teenage mothers

In Nigeria, many girls’ lives are ruined by early pregnancy

Sex education

Face the truth

Nigeria’s incidence of teenage pregnancies is unacceptably high

Venezuela’s escalating crisis

Foreign mediation would be useful in Caracas – but unlikely to happen


Traditional dress

Ghanaians are encouraged to wear traditional clothes each Friday

Right-wing populism

Demonising others

Post-truth populists show no respect for facts and want everyone to believe that public opinion matters more than empirical reality

Women's health

Dangerous for mothers and babies

Women who have been subjected to female genital mutilation often have severe complications during childbirth


When ideology trumps evidence

How foreign-policy debate is changing in the USA

Saudi Arabia

How much reform can the kingdom take?

King Salman of Saudi Arabia announced a comprehensive reform programme, whether it will go smoothly is doubtful

Teenager pregnancies

Devastating consequences

In Uganda, teenage pregnancies are causing lots of suffering

Sex education

Who wants to educate a goat?

Why Ugandan teenagers need reliable information concerning sex and reproductive he

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