Maternal mortality

New legal guidelines

The difficult birth of a law to improve the situation of traditional midwives in Guatemala

Remarkable stories

A new book gives a positive view on support for refugees in Germany

Maternal mortality

Midwifery is part of the culture

The risk of motherhood – and how traditional birth attendants can help

Summer special

Taking the best from each culture

Godwin Drofenu from Togo is 22 years old and is working in a residential community for mentally handicapped people in Schwäbisch Gmünd


Landmine survivor helping fellow amputees

In Uganda, a landmine survivor helps fellow amputees to cope with their disability

Dealing well with mass displacement

Uganda has to deal with many refugees – and does an excellent job


The ANC’s real crisis

The ANC’s big problem is that it has not brought about the social change it promised in the anti-Apartheid struggle

Summer special

"You need to find your feet in a new community"

Lebogang Mokoena, a 25-year-old journalist from South Africa, has been volunteering in Berlin in a nursery school based on Waldorf/Steiner education

Press freedom

Worsening censorship

In South Sudan, media houses are under great pressure


Public disclosure

Salvadoran celebrity’s personal story ignites debate over decriminalisation of abortion

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