Philanthropic foundations

“The pros outweigh the cons”

In spite of some black sheep, an insider assesses philanthropic foundations favourably

The WTO benefits from exchange with its critics

Argentina’s government is taking the wrong approach


Avoiding new HIV infections

It is compulsory in Zambia to get tested for HIV/AIDS

Gülen movement

Creating an elite to lead the state

The Turkish Gülen movement is expanding worldwide – opinions differ on the reasons why


Comprehensive approach

Germany’s Federal Government has adopted new guidelines on preventing crises, managing conflicts and building peace

Weapons of mass destruction

Nuclear obsession

North Korea’s leadership is keen on weapons of mass destruction


Zimbabwe’s inner-party coup

ZANU-PF has a history of populist arrogance rather than democratic commitment

How judges compounded Kenyan state’s crisis of legitimacy

Kenya Supreme Court tried to fulfil its mission, but it did not do a thorough job

Political foundations

Promoting democratic values

Germany’s political foundations are unique the world over


Brown envelopes

Journalists in Ghana often accept money when covering events

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