The Gates Foundation

Private-sector billionaires setting global agenda

Philanthrophists like Bill Gates are funding a huge share of international development cooperation

Multilateral order

Fading western doctrines

German expert argues that the West has failed Libya and Iraq

In praise of taxes

Market and state must complement one another


Nice try

A few changes might make the Mo Ibrahim prize more effective

Relevant reading

A call for radical reform

A former UN official wants international community to strike a grand bargain on how to deal with civil strife


Political dynasty

Togo is facing growing unrest


Water suitcase

When refugees leave an area, water demand is reduced there – but it increases in the places they go to

German science publisher caves in to Chinese censorship

Springer Nature blocks access to controversial topics

Military engagement

“If the French troops leave, Mali will collapse"

The French military intervenes in many former colonies

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