
European languages are dominant in Africa

Divisive and unifying: English or French as an official language


Makeshift schools

In some rural regions of Zimbabwe, makeshift schools are the norm, not the exception

Stand point

Mechanisms of oppression

Imperialist powers laid the foundations for current misrule in many former colonies

Popular music

Jamaica’s nation language

How Jamaican Creole became the main language for artistic expression

Linguistic heritage

Tu di worl: Creole goes global

Creole languages of the Caribbean reflect and express peoples’ identities


Laboratories of racist violence

German concentration camps in what is Namibia today were predecessors of the Nazis extermination camps

Colonial crimes

Historical guilt

Representatives of the Herero people demand reparations from Germany for a genocide committed in colonial times


Discussing how to put women down best

Some Ugandan officials excuse men who practice domestic violence


Daily discrimination

Most Mexicans are keenly aware of racism and class divides

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