
New development finance

New financing methods may help to achieve development goals

Why it would make sense to pardon Lula

Brazil's former president has surrendered to the police


Stealing money from sick people

Malawi’s health sector is crumbling, possibly due to corruption


Digital childhood

According to UNICEF, children today are digital natives, and the internet is their second home

How to stem the tide of disinformation

The recommendations of the EU’s High-Level Expert Group on fake news

Financing of terrorism

Dangerous cash flow

How so-called Sharia states influence the west through business and finance the export of their radical ideologies

Civil war

Children of war as breadwinners

In South Sudan, many orphaned children have to care for their younger siblings


End pupils' fear of teachers' canes

In Uganda, a non-governmental organisation wants to convince school teachers of stopping corporal punishment


Obesity is the new health challenge

Within the growing middle class in Zimbabwe, obesity is becoming a problem

Call for Papers and Inputs

PEGNet Conference 2018

Improving the quality of education and learning outcomes in developing countries

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