
The spectacular results of reason, science and humanism

Harvard scholar assesses human progress – and how to enable further progress

New media

Stopping online harassment

Cyberbullying and cybercrime have become a problem in Zambia


The methods of fact-checking

The basic principles of professional fact checking


Fighting for honesty and truth

Africa Check is helping the public to stay informed about the facts

Fake news

Think twice before sharing

The socially divisive force of disinformation spread on social media


Making information laws work

Media freedom activists in Uganda are using laws to hold the government accountable

Media training

Learning to cross-check facts

Media houses in Uganda are often unable to verify information

Fake news

No lie is too blatant

Fake reports on Filipino Facebook pages

Child labour

Stolen childhood

Because of the civil war and poverty, Syrian children must do adults’ work

Right-wing authoritarianism

Powerful falsehoods

How Rodrigo Duterte, the president of the Philippines, depends on online trolls

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