Civil war

Limited access to Syrian people in crisis situations

In Syria, aid organisations can't reach many of those in need


It looks as though Ebola lessons have been learned

New Ebola infections in the DR Congo


Refugees resist relocation

Refugees in Malawi don’t want to be relocated

United Nations

Reduce vulnerability and build resilience

The better countries develop, the better they are able to cope with short-term calamities


Ray of hope

First hand humanitarian aid experience after Nepal’s earthquake

Disaster relief

Faith-based network

Brief introduction to CHAI – the Catholic Health Association of India

Disaster relief

Support for local communities

According to CHAI, people affected by disaster should be seen as agents of change and not mere victims

Medico partners

Ambitious urban refugees

How two young refugees found livelihoods in urban Uganda

Transformative emergency aid

Aid in itself is not enough

Transformative emergency aid takes into account long-term social justice

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