Organised crime

Paradigm change

To protect people from harm, the Global Commission argues that drugs should be regulated not prohibited

World Bank Report on work, social protection and taxes

State action to facilitate market dynamics

Social work

Four decades of charity

An Italian nun has spent all her life in Uganda helping people in need

Health care

Free access for the extremely poor

The Health Equity Fund is improving access to health care for the poorest people in Cambodia


Fragile statehood deserves special attention

Fragile statehood makes Sustainable Development Goals harder to achieve


History of a marginalised ­community

The British introduced the discrimination of transgender persons to South Asia


Protecting the young against violence

Laws in Ghana are supposed to protect children against becoming victims of violence

Social inclusion

Recognising a minority’s human rights

A new law confirms that transgender persons enjoy the same rights as other citizens do in Pakistan

Poverty targeting

Six main methodologies

How to identify poor people for the provision of support

Poverty alleviation

Costs and benefits of poverty targeting

The more accurate a poverty-targeting strategy is, the more expensive it is

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