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Poverty Reduction
Demographic change

Lives are now 20 years longer

Birth rates go down as standards of living improve

MDG results

Improvement in many fields

The success story of the Millennium Development Goals

Disease control

“Killing mosquito larvae is the best prevention”

Botswana has achieved great success in the fight against malaria

Financial cooperation

More money for development

In 2017, KfW committed € 9.7 billion to new development projects worldwide

Distorted perception

Middle-income majority

Hans Rosling showed that humankind is in a better shape than generally believed


Think globally, act globally

Millennium Development Goals shaped new global partnership


How green industrial policy can boost prosperity

Why environmental protection can lead to more employment in developing countries


Turning trash into cash

In Zimbabwe, poor women collect garbage and sell recycled products

Development strategies

New paradigm needed

The root causes of African indebtedness are still the same

Failed policies

Descent into hell

In Africa, structural adjustment did not trigger fast growth, but had a contractive impact

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