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Poverty Reduction

Poverty in old age

Zimbabwe’s senior citizens face lives of grinding poverty

Child brides

The scourge of early marriage

Poverty and cultural traditions push young girls into marriage in Malawi

Child labour

Facing an uncertain future

Benin’s children face systematic exploitation as low-paid labourers


Pressed into service

Human traffickers in Burundi find ways to get around child-protection laws


Africa’s Amazon

The Nigerian e-commerce platform Jumia has been making a difference in consumers’ lives for nine years

Children’s rights

On society’s fringes

Burundi’s legal safety net for children remains full of holes

Fleeing from war

Lost boys and girls

Tens of thousands of Sudanese child refugees fled their country to reach safety

Refugee children

A lonely battle

Unaccompanied minors who fled wars face further problems in destination countries

Multidimensional crises

Why we must not turn our backs on Afghanistan now

Afghanistan‘s multi-dimensional crisis has only just begun

Nigeria’s ICT market place

Success due to combination of factors

West Africa’s major ICT marketplace in Lagos is set to relocate

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