Development and

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Conferences of consequence

Global environment summits like Rio+20 trigger new initiatives in China

Urban live

On the top of the world

Innovative roof-top gardening in Kolkata


“I hope for the best”

Facing the impact of climate change, Peru wants to make economy sustainable

Aid history

“Political and democratic values”

Hans-Peter Repnik discusses his time in office as parliamentary state secretary in the development ministry

United Nations

Green power for all?

How to provide sustainable energy to everyone


Opportunities of climate protection

International community must rise to global challenge of environmentally sustainable growth

Private sector

Building peace

A strong private sector makes lasting peace more likely


Moving forward on biodiversity

CBD members agree Nagoya Protocol on access to genetical resources

Industrial competitiveness

“Consider going local”

Indian companies innovate products poor people can afford


Priceless value

In view of dwindling biodiversity, scientists demand a “different economy”

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