Springshed management

Save the Himalayan springs

Many springs in the Hindu Kush Himalayan region are drying up. Preventing degradation is crucial, and local communities need to be involved

Climate diplomacy

More must happen

While governments agreed on important issues at the Africa Climate Summit in Nairobi, civil-society organisations did not get enough attention


In India, deadly disease is linked to deforestation

Where natural environments are healthy, the zoonoses Nipah and KFD are less likely to spread among humans

Access to drinking water

Promoting access to safe drinking water for all

While Ghana has made progress towards providing equitable access to safe drinking water, many people still lack this basic service

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Why we believe in our Digital Monthly

What purposes our Digital Monthly serves, and how it differs from the print issue

Sub-Saharan Africa

“Building knowledge at the local level is essential”

Sub-Saharan Africa has numerous biodiversity hotspots, but they are at risk. In this D+C interview, Beth Kaplin, a biodiversity expert, discusses what threatens biodiversity

Second-hand trade

Reselling imported used couches and sofas in Zimbabwe

Second-hand furniture from the UK is very popular in Zimbabwe, being sold for good prices

Multilateral policymaking

Involving local people in order to reach biodiversity goals

At the COP15 in Kunming-Montréal in 2022, Jochen Flasbarth helped broker consensus

Living with nature

Bolivia’s extraordinary biodiversity is under threat

Bolivia has many protected areas, but human activities are impacting the country’s biodiversity

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Scientific research

Making the most of Lake Bosomtwe

German and Ghanaian scientists are cooperating to involve local people more in protecting a UNESCO biosphere reserve

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